National Service Scheme- UNIT No: 239

NSS Unit Inauguration
Republic Day Celebration
National Service Scheme (NSS) is a noble academic extension programme envisioned at national level, with a view to bring our academic institutions closer to the society. It is an educational programme for personality development of the students through community service. The basic concept of National Service Scheme is to give an extended dimension to the Higher Education system and orient the students to community service while they are studying in an educational institution. This is to create social consciousness among students, by establishing a meaningful linkage between the campus and the community, especially the rural community. The cardinal principle of the programme is that it is organised by the students themselves and both students and teachers through their combined participation in social service, get a sense of involvement in the task of national development. Fulfilling this vision of extending social services of the academic community, the National Service Scheme of Mount Carmel  College has been playing a pivotal role since its inception in forming a well Organised linkage between the campus and the community and it has grabbed many honors for its outstanding performance.


The overall aim of National Service Scheme, is the development of the personality of students through community service.It provides an extention dimension to the higher Education system and orient the student youth to community service while they study in an educational institution as envisaged by Mahatma Gandhi,the ‘Acharya’ of National Service Scheme.


The broad objectives of NSS are to:

(i) Understand the community in which they work

(ii) Understand themselves in relation to their community;

(iii) Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving process;

(iv Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility;

(v) Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solution to individual and community problems;

(vi)Develop competence required for group living and sharing of responsibilities;

(vii) Gain skills in mobilizing community participation;

(viii) Acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude;

(ix) Develop capacity to meet emergencies and natural disasters and

(x) Practice national integration and social harmony.


The motto of National Service Scheme is NOT ME BUT YOU

NSS Programmes

National Service Scheme has two types of programmes : Regular Activities and Special Camping Programmes. Students enrolled as NSS Volunteers are expected to work in the scheme for a period of two years and also participate in Special Camping Programmes of 7 days duration.

Regular Activities

NSS volunteer undertake various activities in campus adopted, villages and slumps for community service. Duration of these service is 120 hours ie. 20 hours for orientation of NSS volunteers, 30 hours for campus work and 70 hours for community service. In regular NSS programmes students undertake various activities in the college campuses, adopted villages, cities and slums during weekends. Adoption of a village or an area is a meaningful programme in NSS.

Special Programmes

Special Camping Programme is a camp of seven days duration in adopted places and it provides unique opportunities to the students for group living, collective experience sharing, sharing responsibilities, addressing various developmental issues of regional and national importance and constant interaction with the community.

Office Bearers

Programme Officer: Mrs. Prajitha Preman

Volunteer Secretary: Mr. Jeevan V Johny

nss unit 239
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