• APEP (Academic Performance Enhancement Program) was designed and implemented to monitor the learning practices of students. The APEP is a systematic and continuous assessment method to analyse the academic performance of the students and it strategically evaluates the effectiveness of learning by measuring the learner’s performance. Through this method, the teachers help the students to realise their strength and weakness and enable them to reflect on how they can improve themselves in the university exams. By following a disciplined format, an extra half hour is devoted to carry out various assessment methods for improving the exam writing skill of the students.
  • STC Radio: The ‘STC Radio’ is a conscientisation cum entertainment programme for about 5 minutes by students every day. The objective of this programme is to help students to share informative and interesting ideas in their respective disciplines to the college community and entertain them with music and funs. This interactive programme creates interest in interdisciplinary education among the students which instills a thirst for borderless knowledge. Besides, students get a platform for public speaking and performance. It includes One-day-one-word, and Zero Hour. One- day- one-word was introduced to familiarize the students at least one word in a day. Zero Hour Practice was introduced to educate the students on contemporary issues.
  • Teacher Performance Record: The teachers are supposed to record the daily work in a book allotted to them which includes the teaching works, administrative works, and all kind of activities in the college.
  • Course File: Teachers maintain the details of each course in a file called course file. The course file contains the syllabus, the nominal roll of the students attending the course, question papers, notes, mentoring details etc.
  • Student’s Durbar: The debate club is organizing debates on current topics of social relevance during every week. Students actively participate in the program and thus enhance their knowledge about social issues.
  • ESWAM: Extension and Social Work Agency of St. Thomas college is an agency that monitors all the extension activities as well as social work of the college.
  • Administrative and Academic Audit: To evaluate the academic programmes and activities in the departments and across the college, Administrative and Academic Audit is conducted on a regular basis. The purpose is to examine and assess the organization’s administrative and academic procedures. It gives the institute the chance to raise the level of the organisation as a whole. It guarantees the right application and efficiency of the institution’s systems, infrastructure, practises, human resources, and facilities.
  • OBE: IQAC has entrusted a committee to introduce Outcome Based Education (OBE) in the college. At the end of the semester, the IQAC assesses the compliance of departments with the parameters of OBE
  • Remedial Coaching: Slow learners find it difficult to catch some topics taught during the class time. Remedial coaching is provided to those students who find it difficult to catch the topics fast.
  • Peer Teaching: Students in a class are assigned with a topic either from inside or outside the syllabus and they are encouraged to teach it to their peer group.
  • Mentoring: Mentoring process is carried out well in the institution. The students are allocated to a mentor during the starting of their classes. Each mentee can discuss their academic as well as personal issues with the mentor to get some solution.
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